
Why Participate

It Makes Good Business Sense to Get Involved with Disability:IN Wisconsin.


Why Should You Get Involved?

  • In the general U.S. population, 56 million people have a disability; in Wisconsin, that number is nearly 1 million.
  • In Wisconsin, only 40 percent of people with disabilities aged 21 to 64 are employed, compared to 84 percent of people without disabilities.
  • People with disabilities have equal or higher performance rates compared to those without disabilities, are less likely to resign and move to another job and have the lowest attrition rates of any employee group.
  • People with disabilities motivate other employees and establish a positive company image.
  • People with disabilities represent $1 trillion in purchasing power. Market research shows that consumers – with and without disabilities – are more likely to buy from disability-friendly businesses.
  • There are tax credits and tax incentives for hiring individuals with disabilities.

Fighting Unemployment

Disability:IN Wisconsin helps address the high unemployment rate of people with disabilities. Nationally, there are almost 1.5 million people with disabilities in the U.S. who are currently unemployed and looking for work. At least one in 10 people in Wisconsin has some kind of disability and only 40 percent of working-age Wisconsin residents with disabilities are employed.

The business community needs qualified workers to fill its changing job requirements. Many employers today are unable to find qualified job applicants through their normal channels of recruitment. Employers participating in Disability:IN Wisconsin respond to this need by exploring methods to more effectively recruit, market, and hire from the talented pool of job applicants with disabilities.

Hiring individuals with disabilities can save money for taxpayers. The U.S. spends billions each year on benefits to people who, in most cases, would rather have the respect, friendships, and income that jobs and careers bring.

Membership Levels

Charter Partner | $5,000 annually, 3-year commitment

  • Prominent display as a charter member in the Disability:IN Wisconsin website, newsletter,
    and all programs
  • Disability:IN Wisconsin logo on business website, if desired
  • Eligibility for Board of Advisor position
  • Discounted admission to the Annual Wisconsin Ability Summit
  • First priority notice for sponsorship for business networking events and educational summits
  • One key event with charter members, may be a hospitality event with a guest speaker or
    priority access to guest speaker

Sustaining Partner | $2,500 annually, 3-year commitment

  • Recognition as a sustaining partner on Disability:IN Wisconsin website
  • Disability:IN Wisconsin logo on business website, if desired
  • Discounted admission to the Annual Wisconsin Ability Summit
  • Priority admission to the Annual Wisconsin Ability Summit- subject to deadline
  • Priority notice for sponsorship for business networking events and educational summits
  • Priority access to committee involvement

Business Partner (500 or less employees) | $500 annually

  • Advance notice for trainings/seminars
  • Member networking opportunities
  • Recognition at Annual Wisconsin Ability Summit

Community-Based & Nonprofit Partner | $500 annually

  • Advance notice for all trainings and seminars
  • Member networking opportunities
  • Recognition at Annual Wisconsin Ability Summit

Become a Member

Join Disability:IN Wisconsin today by completing the new member application.

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